Location is easy to find Strongly Disagree Location is easy to find Strongly Disagree
Disagree Location is easy to find Disagree
Neutral Location is easy to find Neutral
Agree Location is easy to find Agree
Strongly Agree Location is easy to find Strongly Agree
Online Banking is easy to navigate Strongly Disagree Online Banking is easy to navigate Strongly Disagree
Disagree Online Banking is easy to navigate Disagree
Neutral Online Banking is easy to navigate Neutral
Agree Online Banking is easy to navigate Agree
Strongly Agree Online Banking is easy to navigate Strongly Agree
Customer Service is easily reachable Strongly Disagree Customer Service is easily reachable Strongly Disagree
Disagree Customer Service is easily reachable Disagree
Neutral Customer Service is easily reachable Neutral
Agree Customer Service is easily reachable Agree
Strongly Agree Customer Service is easily reachable Strongly Agree
CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Strongly Disagree CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Strongly Disagree
Disagree CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Disagree
Neutral CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Neutral
Agree CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Agree
Strongly Agree CBOTS representatives meet my expectations Strongly Agree
Information provided meets my needs Strongly Disagree Information provided meets my needs Strongly Disagree
Disagree Information provided meets my needs Disagree
Neutral Information provided meets my needs Neutral
Agree Information provided meets my needs Agree
Strongly Agree Information provided meets my needs Strongly Agree
I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Strongly Disagree I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Strongly Disagree
Disagree I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Disagree
Neutral I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Neutral
Agree I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Agree
Strongly Agree I would recommend CBOTS to my friends or colleagues Strongly Agree